AML Hosting

AML Hosting Platform

Hosting by AML 

AML Hosting platform is based on Linux, however for those clients which require a Microsoft box, we have one of those too.  Using Linux as our default box menas we give you the user an "Open Source" structure.  99% commands can be achieved on a Linux box rather then a Microsoft one.  It's all down to the way you write your site to what you need.

AML Web Applications.

Web Calender
Web Calendar allows you to create, delete and modify a diary like a paper based one but on Line.  Users are controlled to what they can / Can't do.  Want to know more.....Ask.
Online Cat
Online Chat
Do You know how many people visit your site?  Why not give the chance of chatting to you to get more information.  Want to know more.....Ask
Customer Relationship Manager
C R M 
Customers, Clients, Addresses, Leads, tenders Won / Lost, with a CRM these are just basic information at your fingure tips.  Want to know more......Ask

Support Centre
Do you supply clients help / support?  Do you know how many enquiries you get? Do you monitor how much work is done to each client?  Want to know more....Ask

Web Only
Got your own Email Server?  Don't need email, then just choose for AML Web only hosting.  Want to know more...Ask.

Email Only
Need Email only?  Web Sites are something in the pipeline, but need to get moving now?  Want to know more about Email only Hosting......Ask.